Thursday, April 2, 2009

The French Employees Do It Again

It appears that there is a trend occurring in France. Yes, some more employees engaged in mutiny and held their bosses captive. Google just announced staff cuts. Do you think that Sergey and Larry will be detained??

Caterpillar Workers Detain Bosses in France
Published: March 31, 2009 NEW YORK TIMES
PARIS — Workers at a Caterpillar plant in the French Alps briefly held five of their bosses in a dispute over their severance packages, workers and union officials said Tuesday.

“There is no violence or sequestration, but simply pressure so they restart negotiations,” Pierre Piccarreta, a representative from the CGT union, told The Associated Press. Workers had detained the director of the plan and his associates.

“At a time when the company is making a profit and distributing dividends to shareholders,” Mr. Piccarreta said, “we want to find a favorable outcome for all the workers and know as quickly as possible where we are going.”

A member of the worker’s council, who refused to identify himself, said “the employees just want a fair deal.” The move at Caterpillar was at least the third time in the last few weeks that French workers have detained their bosses to protest job losses.

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