Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Pause For The Cause

I'll take a break from the study of the "human condition" to focus on today's holiday. In grammer school we were taught that this holiday represented the Pilgrims and the Indians sitting down for a meal. It does create a nice picture and setting. Lets hope that today around the world that the warring factions can take a break and cease fire to think beyond "the task at hand". Maybe they could even enjoy a meal together. I know, probably not.

Thinking of Indians, Jackson and I hiked yesterday along the Cherokee Trail in the Carolina Mountains. It makes one wonder how an entire civilization can be wiped out from the planet. I guess Jared Diamond described the process well in his Pulitzer Prize winning "Guns, Germs, and Steel".

I wish all a great holiday. Break bread with family, take a nap, and enjoy some good down time. Thanksgiving might be the best family holiday because it is so much less commercial than Christmas. Please don't get swept up in that Friday morning retail frenzy. Remember what happened last year on this same holiday. Humans are supposed to behave differently than hogs!
Enjoy mon amis!

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