Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Storm Series

I stumbled upon http://www.financialsense.com/ back in 1999 and was extremely impressed with Jim Puplava’s diverse content and his weekly radio show. I’ve listened to it since then on a weekly basis. His forecasts of the future have been amazingly accurate. In 2000-01, he wrote a series of papers entitled “The Storm Series”. I found that he had significant data supporting his forecasts and most of all, it made sense. I’ll recommend reading it again: http://www.financialsense.com/series2/perspectives2.html

Puplava called $140/barrel oil and $1000/ounce gold. In February this year he ranted every week on his radio show about “naked short selling”, “credit default swaps”, and “derivatives”. I was originally unfamiliar with these terms and was amazed last week when they became front page news.

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